
Netflix Users Threaten To Cancel Subscriptions Over Anti-Password Sharing Plan

Netflix has been teasing plans to battle password sharing for quite some time. Now their plans to do so have finally been revealed. Naturally, Netflix users are upset by the news, and many of them are now threatening to cancel their subscriptions.

The plans were revealed from Netflix’s own website. However, the rules have since been removed after going viral online. It was later clarified by a spokesperson that these rules weren’t intended for users in the United States. Rather, an altered set of rules will be released at a later point in time for the US.

Regardless, it still has quite a few Netflix users in an uproar. And, as you can see below, many of them have used Twitter to vocalize their thoughts. In fact, the phrase “NETFLIX REVERSE YOUR DECISION” even managed to start trending.

Here are some of the Twitter posts made in response to Netflix’s anti-password sharing plan:

Of course, Netflix has previously acknowledged that they expect plenty of users to cancel their subscriptions. As such, it’s unknown how much of an impact these complaints will have. While they may have removed the rules from their website – it seems that’s only because the rules weren’t intended for the United States.

In actuality, Netflix appears to be confident that their anti-password sharing plan will be quite successful. But at a time when streaming services are continuing to grow and compete with one another – it’s unknown how long Netflix will actually stay at the top. Especially if they continue to make such drastic changes to their platform.

As such, users can stay tuned to ScreenGeek for any additional updates regarding Netflix and other such streaming services as we have them. This will certainly be an interesting time for the concept of streaming and what it means for digital entertainment going forward.

Netflix Users Threaten To Cancel Subscriptions Over Anti-Password Sharing Plan
Source: Breaking Update News

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