
Ben Stiller Has “No Apologies” For ‘Tropic Thunder’

The 2008 film Tropic Thunder has been a controversial film ever since its initial release. Of course, it’s easy to see why it might be perceived as additionally problematic these days. Ben Stiller, who both acted in the film and directed it, claims that he has “no apologies” to give regarding Tropic Thunder.

He revealed as much in a new Twitter post. It seems that there was some false information spreading that claimed Stiller apologized for his work on the film. However, Stiller aims to set the record straight, with a complete statement on the matter.

Here’s what Ben Stiller wrote regarding Tropic Thunder:

“I make no apologies for Tropic Thunder. Don’t know who told you that. It’s always been a controversial movie since when we opened. Proud of it and the work everyone did on it.”

The biggest element in Tropic Thunder that many viewers have taken issue with is that Robert Downey Jr. wears blackface in the film. His character, Kirk Lazarus, is an actor who happens to have used “pigmentation alteration” so that he could play a Black soldier. It’s a meta gag that some, including Robert Downey Jr., believe makes a statement actually against the usage of blackface. As such, it’s certainly become a double-edged sword since the film’s release.

As such, we’ll likely continue to see discussions regarding the film and the content within. We’ve reached a point where many examples of classic film and literature are being reassessed for their “problematic” subject matter. Tropic Thunder is now just one such subject in a growing conversation. So, regardless of anyone’s feelings about the film, actor and director Ben Stiller makes his thoughts clear. He does not issue any kind of apology for his work on Tropic Thunder.

Stay tuned to ScreenGeek for any additional film news as we have it.

Ben Stiller Has “No Apologies” For ‘Tropic Thunder’
Source: Breaking Update News

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