
Justin Roiland Reportedly Used ‘Rick And Morty’ Fame To Lure Young Fans

Ricky and Morty co-creator Justin Roiland has faced a number of allegations in recent years. Now Roiland, who also voiced several characters in the hit animated series, is alleged of having used his fame from the show to pursue young fans.

The allegations have come in the form of various texts shared to NBC. As many as eleven women and nonbinary people had texts that were shared to NBC. The texts were sent over dating apps and social media, with Roiland said to have contacted at least three of the women when they were under the age of 16. All of the texts are said to have occurred between 2013 and 2022.

Here’s what was shared regarding the allegations:

“This is according to interviews with 11 women and nonbinary people who shared thousands of messages with Roiland from 2013 to 2022 — with nine of the people saying he turned the exchanges sexual. Of those nine people, three said they were 16 when they started talking to Roiland. To corroborate their stories, the 11 women and nonbinary people also shared pictures, videos, social media posts, emails, and plane ticket and Uber receipts with NBC News.”

One of these women admits to having taken Roiland up on his offer for a Tinder date. During the date, however, she claims “he sexually assaulted her, forcing her to perform oral sex on him after she said ‘no.’” Another woman claims to have been taken advantage of based on “the alcohol involved and the financial and power dynamics between her and Roiland,” and that “she drank heavily before Roiland and another woman had sex with her.” The event is said to have “left her mentally traumatized.”

In response, Roiland’s lawyer, Andrew Brettler, said the allegations are “false and defamatory.” He also notes that some of these allegations were previously published online. As mentioned above, however, these are far from the first allegations to be made against Justin Roiland. Due to a number of domestic abuse allegations, Adult Swim already cut ties with him, and Rick and Morty is set to continue without his involvement.

Stay tuned to ScreenGeek for any additional updates in this situation involving Justin Roiland as we have them.

Justin Roiland Reportedly Used ‘Rick And Morty’ Fame To Lure Young Fans
Source: Breaking Update News

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