
Weasel’s Penis Has Been Discovered In ‘The Suicide Squad’

James Gunn’s newly released film The Suicide Squad has been driving fans crazy for a wide variety of reasons. One of these reasons, however, has just been recently spotted by eagle-eyed fans. As it turns out, one of the wackier characters in The Suicide Squad – named Weasel – actually has visible privates in certain scenes.

It’s worth pointing out that the DC Comics movie is rated R, and fans that have seen the film are well-aware of that fact. But it’s definitely still surprising to see some of that rating for The Suicide Squad can be blamed on Weasel, just because the character doesn’t wear any clothes. Apparently the two shots in which his privates are clearly visible occur near the beginning of the film. The first shot occurs when he gets out of the armored car to do the team walk in front of the American flag. Then, as he’s walking, his privates are once again visible.

You Can Definitely See Weasel's Penis in 'The Suicide Squad'

You Can Definitely See Weasel's Penis in 'The Suicide Squad'

When you consider that Weasel, who was played by Sean Gunn, is supposed to be a completely feral creature – it makes sense that he goes without clothes. However, it’s very rare to see such attention to anatomic detail when it comes to CGI characters. Usually they lack any sort of body parts in that regard. But, considering the level of craziness that The Suicide Squad adheres to, it makes perfect sense that James Gunn would make sure Weasel had visible privates. James Gunn did get his start in filmmaking working for Troma, after all. This movie is certainly proof of that.

Aside from Sean Gunn as Weasel, the film’s cast includes some massive players. Aside from cast members Viola Davis, Margot Robbie, Joel Kinnaman, and Jai Courtney returning from the very first Suicide Squad film, there are plenty of newcomers. These include Idris Elba, John Cena, Daniela Melchior, David Dastmalchian, Steve Agee and Sylvester Stallone, Nathan Fillion, Pete Davidson, Flula Borg, Mayling Ng, Michael Rooker, Alice Braga, and Peter Capaldi.

Fans can finally watch The Suicide Squad either in theaters or on HBO Max as of this writing. What’s more, the spin-off series Peacemaker once again starring John Cena as the titular character will be available on HBO Max next year.

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