Kang the Conqueror actor Jonathan Majors was surprisingly arrested earlier this year. He was charged with domestic violence and, while he’s denied the claims, his career has seemingly been hanging in the balance ever since. Now the trial between Jonathan Majors and the alleged victim is facing a major setback.
The setback, as reported via Deadline, reveals that the trial has been pushed back. As revealed in “a short hearing Wednesday,” it was “determined that another hearing will be held September 15 in theory to set a new trial date.”
In fact, September 6 was supposed to be the actual start date of the trial for the Marvel star. It’s understandable, then, that everyone is ready to get this trial underway. As noted by Assistant District Attorney Kelli Galaway who noted that the prosecution were ready for trial:
“The people are … ready for trial,” Galaway stated, before adding that they are ready to produce witnesses, experts, and trial exhibits. In response, Majors’ legal team added that there were “deficiencies” which required their attention before going to trial.
Thus we’ll be seeing if Jonathan Majors will actually go to trial on September 15, as this wasn’t the first delay, either. But Majors and his legal team have persistently tried to prove his innocence. And while it’s unknown how it will impact his career – everyone is eager to know whether or not he will be found innocent or guilty.
Majors was initially arrested after his ex-girlfriend claimed that he injured her. However, his team soon released footage in an effort to reveal that she didn’t actually suffer any injuries. They claim that the allegations were faked and so we’ll have to see what comes of the trial – and what exactly these “deficiencies” are.
Stay tuned to ScreenGeek for any additional updates on Jonathan Majors and the upcoming trial as we have them.
Jonathan Majors Domestic Violence Trial Faces Setback
Source: Breaking Update News